Friday, April 3, 2009

Tomato Sprout

I've been waiting all week for my tomato seeds to sprout, but the weather hasn't cooperated. Instead of the front window being sunny and warm, it has been cool and gray. There has been a persistent drizzle of rain for the past week and I'm getting sick of it. To kick start things I put the seedlings into a large plastic Rubbermaid bin, and then set it inside an identical bin. The trick is the bin it was set inside was full of three gallons of water that are kept at a balmy 82 Degrees by a fish water tank heater. One night of this and they started sprouting like champs.

Unfortunately the weather was gray and overcast this morning so I couldn't get a great shot of any of the sprouts. The macro lens requires more light and I was forced to use an ISO of 1600 which adds all sorts of noise. Hopefully the sun will come out this weekend and I'll get some better photos. Still, I can't wait for the smell of growing tomato seedlings!

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