Friday, May 23, 2008


I took time this morning to document the carnage in the garden. The good news is I didn't have any further carnage to document when I arrived home this evening. I'm not sure whether it's because there isn't anything left that they want to eat, or because my fencing is finally working.

The chewed stumpy end of one of my sugar snap peas cradles a drop of morning dew. Perhaps the last tear it will have a chance to shed.

A small field of battle with many casualties and no one left standing. The spinach was completely obliterated.

This Brandywine mostly died during the frost, but unlike the rest of the plants it seemed to rebound well pushing out some healthy looking suckers. I'm going to let it grow to put the myth that suckers don't produce any tomatoes to the test.

The carrots came in a little spotty, but I'm still going to have to do some thinning this weekend. Luckily they seemed to be of no interest to the rabbits yet.

The mustard has come in lush and healthy, with most of the damage to it coming from cutworms and other creepy crawlies during the night. I've managed to pick off several catapillers during the night, and will keep up my vigil to ensure it continues to grow up healthy and strong. It is also time to thin it out again, so we'll have a nice mustard salad this weekend.

A mangled radish sits in the earth ready to be picked despite the damage to its leaves. We were luckily able to harvest most of the radishes even though they were damaged, and they were quite tasty. They came out sharp, but not excessively hot.

Here the a next generation radish pushes its way to the surface. Ready to start its frenetic growth. This is a good shot of the macro bits of the soil we brought in. With the small stuff washed away by rain. I'm looking forward to adding more organic matter into it in the coming years from our compost piles.

Finally, here's the Rabbit's gateway into the garden. You can't see that this is actually fenced in around the hole, but it is. I've left the hole open, and as far as I can tell they are still exploring it each morning, as the dirt continues to be disturbed. This is where the live trap will go when it arrives.

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