See it?
Watch out for the hawks, snakey.
You aren't as hidden as you seem to think you are.
When Chris dived for the camera yelling what I though was a four-letter word. . .
. . .he was actually yelling "oh, FOX!"
One less bunny, too.
Other wildlife observed recently:
Salamanders under the log segments everywhere, even in Gabe's Garden.
A great horned owl hooting late one night.
A plague of squirrels, dining on nuts in the giant mulch mess.
A red tailed hawk eating a rabbit on a sidewalk on Martha's Vineyard.
The kik calls of a male Cooper's hawk letting his lady friend know his whereabouts.
Bunnies. In the yard. In Chris's garden. Chris is not pleased.
A black and white house cat in the yard, sauntering.
Crows, at the compost pile, as usual.
A snapping turtle at the side of the road, carried to the safe shade of poison ivy by a kindly old man who didn't lose a finger. It gave Gabe nightmares.
Blue jays in the yard. One of them screeches like a hawk.
A doe, on a drizzly day, spotted a block from home while pushing the little boy on his tricycle and carrying the baby in the mei tai. I have never seen a deer leap before. Impressive.
A chukar partridge, the size of a small turkey, seen from the window of a local coffee shop, swiftly identified by a group of regulars armed with ipads and smart phones. What is a chukar partridge doing this far from Asia, anyway? This one looked like it was waiting for a cab.