I kind of botched the camera settings, so you'll have to trust me when I say that the big red ball over the door of this barn is a big apple. The name of the farm is actually Pine Hedge Orchards, but because of the big apple, everyone now calls it Big Apple Farm.
Big Apple is a shining example of farmland that has been kept in business by catering directly to the public, both by selling produce directly to the consumers, and by becoming a tourist attraction. They have welded the two beautifully. They offer all the usual: hay rides, pick-your-own-apples, baked goods and seasonal produce. Here, you can see that they have arranged their apple-sorting machine so that the public can get right up close. The kids love it.
The place was packed when I got there. If I had ever wondered where in the US to find a harvest festival, now I know! Big Apple is actually so successful that competing businesses have set up shop right across the street, based around Holy Cow Antiques. Aparently Big Apple's feathers were ruffled by this, because they erected a large sign stating that the various vendors across the street have nothing to do with them.
Big Apple's history can be traced all the way back to 1785. Among other tidbits of history, one of the previous owners used the farm to raise and store plants for the Arnold Arboretum. Another worked in Rhode Island's costume jewelry industry.
Here, you can see a ridge of apple trees in the distance, and blueberry bushes up close.
Oh, those heavenly donuts! Somehow, I managed not to see the donut machine, eventhough Gabe and I scarfed down two and brought home another two dozen. (For guests, of course!)
Now here's something my office needs: an apple vending machine!
Apples apples apples apples apples apples!
Mmmmm, donuts!
They are quite likely the best donuts I've ever eaten.
Cool story as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that topic. Thanks for posting that data.
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