The Union of Concerned Scientists has published a report on the progress of genetically engineered crops, which concludes thusly:
"Failure to Yield is the first report to closely evaluate the overall effect genetic engineering has had on crop yields in relation to other agricultural technologies. It reviewed two dozen academic studies of corn and soybeans, the two primary genetically engineered food and feed crops grown in the United States. Based on those studies, the UCS report concluded that genetically engineering herbicide-tolerant soybeans and herbicide-tolerant corn has not increased yields. Insect-resistant corn, meanwhile, has improved yields only marginally. The increase in yields for both crops over the last 13 years, the report found, was largely due to traditional breeding or improvements in agricultural practices"
Oxfam nods in agreement.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Peat Moss
Peat moss is one of those things that most gardeners use without question. "Mix in a bale of peat moss" is a typical garden instruction for such things as preparing soil for blueberry bushes, or mixing up potting soil. But what is peat moss, exactly?
"Peat moss is the partially decomposed remains of formerly living sphagnum moss from bogs. . . The biggest problem with peat moss is that it's environmentally bankrupt. . .Yes, peat moss is a renewable resource, but it can take hundreds to thousands of years to form."
Read the rest of the article over at Garden Rant, and ammend your soil with compost instead.
"Peat moss is the partially decomposed remains of formerly living sphagnum moss from bogs. . . The biggest problem with peat moss is that it's environmentally bankrupt. . .Yes, peat moss is a renewable resource, but it can take hundreds to thousands of years to form."
Read the rest of the article over at Garden Rant, and ammend your soil with compost instead.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Organic Farming Versus Conventional
"A key question that is often asked about ecological agriculture, including organic agriculture, is whether it can be productive enough to meet the world’s food needs. While many agree that ecological agriculture is desirable from an environmental and social point of view, there remain fears that ecological and organic agriculture produce low yields.
"This short paper will summarize some of the available evidence to demystify the productivity debate and demonstrate that ecological agriculture is indeed productive.
"In general, yields from ecological agriculture can be broadly comparable to conventional yields in developed countries. In developing countries, ecological agriculture practices can greatly increase productivity, particularly if the existing system is low-input, which is the largely the case for Africa. This paper will focus mainly on evidence from developing countries. "
Read the rest of the paper here.
"This short paper will summarize some of the available evidence to demystify the productivity debate and demonstrate that ecological agriculture is indeed productive.
"In general, yields from ecological agriculture can be broadly comparable to conventional yields in developed countries. In developing countries, ecological agriculture practices can greatly increase productivity, particularly if the existing system is low-input, which is the largely the case for Africa. This paper will focus mainly on evidence from developing countries. "
Read the rest of the paper here.
Farming in the City
Even before this recent economic crud, Detroit looked shockingly decrepit. Beautiful old houses have been left to rot - visibly falling apart - and the city is wide open with vacant lots where the crumbling architecture has been bulldozed. I have seen worse - in India. To see such decay at home touches me deeply, particularly since Chris' family lives in the Detroit area.
This is why I perk up at any mention of farming in Detroit. I hope this plan comes to fruition!
As a footnote, I find it irritating that the president of Greening of Detroit, an organization promoting small community garden plots, is against the idea. Detroit needs all the help it can get.
This is why I perk up at any mention of farming in Detroit. I hope this plan comes to fruition!
As a footnote, I find it irritating that the president of Greening of Detroit, an organization promoting small community garden plots, is against the idea. Detroit needs all the help it can get.
King of the Woods
I would like to establish ramps over in this area eventually. In photographs I have seen of ramps, they grow alongside jacks.
Do you see the speck of yellow on top of the boulder?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Garden Supported Charity
I've been making a pilgrimage with Michelle down to Martha's Vineyard every spring since before we were married. We travel down to meet with friends we may only get to see once a year and participate in the annual MS Tour of the Vineyard Bikeathon. I've never been particularly skilled at raising money for the event, and most years I just end up making the minimum donation to participate myself. This year, however, I had the idea that I would put my garden to good use and have offered up veggie rewards for those locals or co-workers that donate to this noble cause.
The plan is simple. If a co-worker donates ten dollars or more they get put on a mailing list letting them know when tomatoes have arrived at work giving them first pick. I brought in around a two-hundred pounds of tomatoes last year so there is a lot to go around, but getting a jump can't hurt! The three largest contributors also get to take part of a garden sized CSA, getting a portion of whatever the garden is producing. I sent out the e-mail last night and the response today was better than I've ever had before so I'm encouraged.
For family and friends who are to far to participate you can still donate to this worthy cause and know that you have my deepest thanks. For those gardeners out there that have extra veggies each year and charities they like to support here's a simple way you can combine the two together.
The plan is simple. If a co-worker donates ten dollars or more they get put on a mailing list letting them know when tomatoes have arrived at work giving them first pick. I brought in around a two-hundred pounds of tomatoes last year so there is a lot to go around, but getting a jump can't hurt! The three largest contributors also get to take part of a garden sized CSA, getting a portion of whatever the garden is producing. I sent out the e-mail last night and the response today was better than I've ever had before so I'm encouraged.
For family and friends who are to far to participate you can still donate to this worthy cause and know that you have my deepest thanks. For those gardeners out there that have extra veggies each year and charities they like to support here's a simple way you can combine the two together.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Walking - Walking! - In the Wetland
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Surprisingly Hot Weekend
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Waiting for the Last Frost Date
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Brilliant Spring Day
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tomato Seedlings
I've got a terrible head cold that is keeping me up, but trying to be productive through the sinus pressure I've been working on getting all of my tomato seedlings potted up. They're now sitting happily in their new large cow-pot homes. They're also dramatically smaller than they were at this point last year for me. Most of that is I actually waited to start them up this year. In a couple more weeks they should be a good size for plunking in the ground.
At this point there are 49 seedlings that have been potted up. In the end I only have room for around 22 of those. The others I plan to give away, or use to fill in spots in the garden where things didn't turn out like I expected. If the worst should happen and bunnies ravage the garden again this year I'm sure all of the tomato seedlings will come in handy.
The peas are coming in nicely around the pea towers. All told I should have around a hundred pea plants in the garden this year. The seedlings are looking beautiful and tender. I have a strong fear that ninja bunnies are going to scale the fence and get at them. Hopefully the bunnies in our area haven't had any ninja training.
At this point there are 49 seedlings that have been potted up. In the end I only have room for around 22 of those. The others I plan to give away, or use to fill in spots in the garden where things didn't turn out like I expected. If the worst should happen and bunnies ravage the garden again this year I'm sure all of the tomato seedlings will come in handy.
The peas are coming in nicely around the pea towers. All told I should have around a hundred pea plants in the garden this year. The seedlings are looking beautiful and tender. I have a strong fear that ninja bunnies are going to scale the fence and get at them. Hopefully the bunnies in our area haven't had any ninja training.
Bugs are Cool and Creepy
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Do You Know Where Your Seeds Come From?
“Monsanto is now estimated to control between 85 and 90 percent of the U.S. nursery market. This includes the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer markets.”
“Six companies Du Pont, Mitsui, Monsanto, Syngent, Aventis and Dow control 98 percent of the world's seeds.”
“. . . in 1981 there were approximately 5,000 vegetable seed varieties available in U.S. catalogs. Today there are less than 500, a 90 percent reduction.”
Quoted from an article over at Countryside Magazine.
“Six companies Du Pont, Mitsui, Monsanto, Syngent, Aventis and Dow control 98 percent of the world's seeds.”
“. . . in 1981 there were approximately 5,000 vegetable seed varieties available in U.S. catalogs. Today there are less than 500, a 90 percent reduction.”
Quoted from an article over at Countryside Magazine.
Rocks and Strawberries
The raspberries and strawberries are waking up, and they are well on their way to taking over the world.
Some friends visited this weekend to dig strawberry runners. They took home three boxes full, and still barely dented the surplus, so I have a lot of spare plants to work with. Our whole lawn may eventually be overrun with strawberries. Strawberry fields forever!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Christopher and the Pea
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Back to Back Sunny Days!
On Friday the forecast called for a sunny Saturday and then rain on Sunday which left me pretty bummed Saturday night as I just couldn't do all the work I needed to do to get the third raised bed finished. Luckily the meteorologists were wrong and we had an absolutely gorgeous day today.
When we moved into the house we started up a compost pile in the woods that we added material to for around eight or nine months before starting the pile next to the shed. When I say it is a compost pile I mean it. It was just a pile in the woods. Unfortunately Michelle ended up adding a ton of sticks to the pile which may decay sometime within the decade. Still there was lots of black gold in the mix to be had, so I whipped up a simple screen using four 2ft sections of scrap 2x4 and left of chicken wire. This let me sift out the large sticks and just get the good stuff.
After I had dumped the first of two wheel barrels full of compost on the third bed the scope of our garden started to settle in. We have far too much growing space and far to small a capacity to generate compost to supply the garden. One of my goals in the coming weeks is to find a good source of quality compost in the area as we need several cubic yards at least. Our soil isn't horrible, but it needs a lot of organic matter added to it. At the rate we generate compost we'll never catch up. Still the pile of black on the bed is a happy start.
The third bed will be the tomato bed this year and with it complete the majority of the prep work is done. I still have the 4x8ft fourth bed to prepare, but that'll be a breeze compared to the effort it took to prepare the first three. All told the garden provides a little more than 420sq ft of bed space. I don't count the asparagus bed even though I probably should. The asparagus and raspberry/strawberry beds are permanent fixtures so they really don't count as garden space that can be used in rotation. Including them we have roughly 750sq ft of beds growing edibles. Considering that we started with none we've come a long way in the past two years.
The garden is still largely devoid of life at the moment. The peas still haven't come up and I'm starting to worry a little about them. There is mustard growing everywhere and the salad greens have come up underneath the row cover. I also bought some more mature greens this weekend up at Medway Gardens as I was getting impatient. I'm hoping to keep a good stream of leafy greens coming through good succession planting this year.
The compost in the big black ball is coming along. Some of the paper still has a way to go, but the organics are looking pretty nice. When I rotated the ball this weekend and looked in I saw a ton of red wrigglers who looked very happy indeed. Ya for worm poop. Another week or two and I'm going to screen the ball's compost and see what we get.
The garden is still largely devoid of life at the moment. The peas still haven't come up and I'm starting to worry a little about them. There is mustard growing everywhere and the salad greens have come up underneath the row cover. I also bought some more mature greens this weekend up at Medway Gardens as I was getting impatient. I'm hoping to keep a good stream of leafy greens coming through good succession planting this year.
The compost in the big black ball is coming along. Some of the paper still has a way to go, but the organics are looking pretty nice. When I rotated the ball this weekend and looked in I saw a ton of red wrigglers who looked very happy indeed. Ya for worm poop. Another week or two and I'm going to screen the ball's compost and see what we get.
Large Red Seed
Friday, April 17, 2009
Long Overdue
Somebody has been testing pesticides to make sure that when used properly they aren't harmful to humans or animals, right? Well, this glass is half full: the Environmental Protection Agency is about to start testing pesticides to determine if they disrupt the endocrine system.
I hate to be one of those people who reads dark intentions between the lines, but you've got to love how CropLife America had petitioned to have the changes made to the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program "in an effort to reduce the costs and time requirements associated with the new testing regime." Meaning, I'm sure, that they are afraid that they'll have some bad press when the harmful effects of their products are brought to light.
Sorry for all the boring political posts this week! I promise I'll get back to posting happy photos of the yard this weekend.
I hate to be one of those people who reads dark intentions between the lines, but you've got to love how CropLife America had petitioned to have the changes made to the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program "in an effort to reduce the costs and time requirements associated with the new testing regime." Meaning, I'm sure, that they are afraid that they'll have some bad press when the harmful effects of their products are brought to light.
Sorry for all the boring political posts this week! I promise I'll get back to posting happy photos of the yard this weekend.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Gabe’s Garden

This is the view of Gabe’s Garden from the window of his room. I had to patch the image together from multiple shots, which is why I don’t use this perspective more often.

1. This open area is currently stripped down to the sand that makes up most of our yard. It will soon be covered with several inches of playground-quality mulch, for the comfort of roly-poly toddlers. The mulch is my birthday present from Chris. Just what I wanted, yay! He wrapped some of it up in a diaper box as revenge for the jar of water I gave him for Christmas.
2. The larger rocks came from behind the house, and the rest came out of the ground right here. I am still trying to figure out how to stack the rocks in such a way as to not pose a falling danger to toddlers, who, to my surprise, are strong enough to rearrange furniture when the mood suits them, and not to my surprise, are lacking the wisdom to know that pulling things on top of themselves hurts.
3. These rocks were left over and need to be moved out of the way.
4. This is our live Christmas tree from 2007. I don’t know what kind of pine tree it is, or if it is native, but I like the idea of a tree for Gabe to decorate.
5. I moved one of my highbrush blueberries over here.
6. And another blueberry over here. The blueberries weren’t doing so well where I planted them behind the house. I left the other two in their original locations for comparison. The soil here was amended with some sort of organic food for acid-loving plants.
7. Over here I relocated a bee balm and scarlet sage that followed me home from a plant exchange last year. Also, one of the two surviving lavenders that I started last spring from seed. Also there is creeping thyme at several locations around the circle. The thyme isn’t native, but it stands a good chance of crowding out weeds that will inevitably grow between the rocks. And it came free from my neighbor, along with what appears to be volunteers of barren strawberry.
8. This will be a serviceberry fort for Gabe to play in.
9. This is the poor, doomed Norway maple. These trees are now banned for sale and propagation in Massachusetts. They have a reputation for creating such dark, dry shade that they can’t be gardened beneath. However, if you look closely, the greenest grass in our yard grows beneath this tree. This is because the hot dry summer weather absolutely cooks the thin soil here. I am keeping the maple long enough to use its microclimate to help establish native plants. In the mean time, I lopped off its lower branches, reserving only one to hold wind-chimes or other doo-dads to scare away the animals.
10. The base of the Norway maple is now home to some of our refugee bearded irises. There is landscape fabric underneath them, but it was too much work to remove, and I didn’t feel like coddling the non-native plants.
11. This lamp no longer works. I assumed it was because I nicked the wire when digging the bamboo hole, which is off-screen to the bottom left. . .
12. . . .however, this appears to be the wire leading to the lamp, so now we have no idea where the damage occurred. I would rather have a nice garden than a functioning lamp, so I may just re-bury the thing and forget about it.
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